Bilbao Airport
Aeropuerto de Bilbao (BIO), 48180, Loiu, Bizkaia Telephone (+34) 936 410 000
At the airport
Check-in counters at terminal:
Easyjet Departures: T1, level P3,
Check-in counters may vary depending on the airport needs. Refer to flight departures in the respective panels of information.
Easyjet Arrivals: T1 planta 1.
Lost Luggage
Baggage handler of Easyjet luggage:
Aviapartner (+34) 655 322 566
T1, level 1, baggage claim hall..
Easyjet has the OACI code: EZY and the IATA code: U2.
Easyjet is a British low cost airline with more than 99 destinations between Europe and Africa. It has the subsidiary EasyJet Switzerland.
Easyjet Destinations:
Easyjet flies from Bilbao to Manchester, Lisbon and London-Gatwick. In seasonal it flies to Bristoland and Milan-Malpensa.
Note: Airlines can add or delete routes based on demand and/or season of year.