Bilbao Airport
Aeropuerto de Bilbao (BIO), 48180, Loiu, Bizkaia Telephone 913 754 546
At the airport
Check-in counters at terminal:
KLM Departures: T1, level P3,
Check-in counters may vary depending on the airport needs. Refer to flight departures in the respective panels of information.
KLM Arrivals: T1 planta 1.
Lost Luggage
Baggage handler of KLM luggage:
Groundforce (+34) 944 869 796
T1, level 1, baggage claim hall..
KLM has the OACI code: KLM and the IATA code: KL.
KLM is the main airline in the Netherlands and is one of the airlines that flies to more destinations in the world with very competitive offers and prices. KLM is the initials of Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij, although the airline is known as KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
KLM is part of Air France-KLM since 2003. Also part of the SkyTeam Alliance group.
KLM Destinations:
KLM flies from Bilbao to Amsterdam.
KLM links from Schiphol airport to many other cities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, with very competitive prices.
Note: Airlines can add or delete routes based on demand and/or season of year.